No Boundaries...


Ah Well! What is a PYP classroom with boundaries? A PYP Classroom cannot be confined to four walls or even the school building. It is learning without boundaries, and  without restrictions.  Ensuring that learners are engaged and involved only becomes possible if you give them varied learning opportunities, if you allow them to flourish and learn willingly. As an IB facilitator, my job is only to assist my learners and provide them the right path to explore, to strengthen their understanding about a certain concept. They must be trained in a way to think and ask questions. They must own their learning process. 

My students visiting the school Science lab to learn about Mixtures and Solutions. 

Visiting PYP I to learn about Dubai while we were celebrating World Tourism Day 2021.


  1. Hi Arwa - well done for being a risk taker and starting your blog. I can see you have had a go at adding photos into it as well.
    I agree with you completely that your students need to own the learning process. This is the reason that learner agency has become increasingly important in recent years, in particular since the PYP Enhancements of 2018.

  2. Hi Arwa, I think the photos of your students reflect your message. Your students look engaged and on their path to exploration!


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