Benefits and Challenges of being a connected Educator


Making Global Connections - Classrooms with no boundaries 

The whole idea of making global connections through technology always seemed to be tough. With younger kids there are too many things on a facilitators desk to keep in mind. There are other boundaries also such as the school policy. However, after connecting with another classroom through Google document has entirely changed my point of view. 

Changed Mindset 

My students thoroughly enjoyed forming this connection. They simply loved the idea of formulating questions for kids their age residing in another country. Upon receiving answers they were anxious to guess the country. I saw my whole class was involved. The quite learners were also eager to formulate questions. The best part was when they were impatiently waiting for answers. 

I believe such practices will help students evolve. It will help them practice open-mindedness. They will learn different things from kids with different cultural backgrounds. 
It is indeed a wonderful opportunity for students to learn about various cultures and languages. A way for them to practice the learner profile attributes and different skills essential in the PYP framework.  

Connected Educators 

What does it mean to be a connected educator? How can we connect with educators around the globe? As educators we believe that education has no boundaries. We must practice open-mindedness and learn from others. We must learn from others' experiences. This is why it is integral to be a connected educator. This includes getting to know about modern learning practices and strategies. Attending different workshops, speaking to educators around the world, and reading on new and improved documents written by experienced educators around the world. 

Benefits of being a connected Educator 

  • Shared Learning 
  • Collaborative planning 
  • Enhanced/Improved Teaching strategies 
  • Enhanced learning strategies 
  • Increasing learning opportunities for students
  • Personalized student learning 
  • Cost Effective Teacher training 

Challenges of being a connected Educator 

  • Authenticity of information is questionable 
  • School policies can be a hinderance 
  • child privacy 
  • social media can be a distraction 
  • More screen time 
  • Time consuming in general 
  • different perspectives 


  1. Your sentence about educators believing that education has no boundaries resonates with me. It made me think about us educators 'walking the talk'. How often do we challenge our students to ... learn new things, never give, be life long learners, collaborate. As teachers we need to be following our own advice and applying it to our continued development.

  2. Arwa I think many of your points have meaning for me...we as teachers are life-long learners too! Being open-minded to trying these new experiences by flattening our classroom walls is what it's all about!


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