My view of how students benefit from digital citizenship in light of the IB learner profile attributes. Feel free to comment on my thoughts 

  • Inquirer: Inquiry is the key for IB students worldwide. They ensure inquiry throughout their learning journey. While practicing digital citizenship they practice engaging in thoughtful communications. They inquire about a grey area timely based on conclusive evidence.

  • Communicator:  IB students form connections with the world with great responsibility. They engage in authentic/safe connections ensuring that it provides them with accurate information. While forming connections they keep in mind other learner profiles also. They practice being a digital citizen through various apps. Sometimes they even communicate their learning on different forums so that other people can learn from them, ensuring that the information they are providing is authentic and valuable for the IB Learners community. 
  • Knowledgeable: Students consume factual information through various digital means. For the young Learners, the facilitators ensure the authenticity of online forums. However, they need multiple platforms for valuable information since it is essential for IB learners to be knowledgeable at all times. 
  • Thinker: While reflecting on the consumed information through different digital forums and taking action, the students are practicing to be thoughtful yet responsible. 
  • Caring: IB Students respond other peoples perspective with respect and keep in mind ethical behavior. 
  • Balanced: Responding to different questions in a timely manner is also a difficult task. However, IB students learn this practice through various activities. 

  • Risk-takers : Forming connections with people around the world involves risks and challenges. Students keep in mind that their clarifications, arguments, responses must be backed by logical factual information and not emotions. 

  • Principled: Students keep in mind fairness, equality and justice. They keep track of secret information like passwords and email IDs. They also make sure that they don't involve in plagiarism at any point in time. 

  • Open- minded : Learners practice open- mindedness by understanding and accepting different perspectives and behaviors according to different backgrounds and cultural practices. 
  • Reflective: While attempting various inquiry based projects and assignments, learners reflect with responsibility, by providing  evidence and reasons. 


  1. Hi Arwa, I like the importance you based on communicator and how you link this with responsibility (maybe also linked with the attribute of principled). We need to ensure the online communication is safe. Students need to be aware of what to share and what not to share online and how they need to be especially careful with their communication as they cannot see how it is received in the same way they can with a face to face conversation.


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